by Julia

It cannot be denied that we live in a time of tremendous technological progress. Everyone has a smartphone in their pocket, uses a laptop or tablet, and many people in the house rest in front of a large TV screen with access to a large number of channels. Device manufacturers do not forget about each age group - we have programs with non-stop cartoons or applications and games adapted to the age of children for mobile devices. But should children really "be born with a tablet in their hand"? Do they have free access to electronics from an early age?
There is something in the devices that few people are aware of, and unfortunately it is very dangerous for children but also for adults - it is the blue light emitted by the screens of computers, smartphones and tablets. This light stimulates the body and dramatically reduces the quality of sleep, and sleep is very important for the regeneration of many vital functions. Therefore, it is important not to use the phones at least three hours before going to bed or, if necessary, turn on the "night mode" on the phone in the evening.
Long-term spending time in front of the TV or computer screen significantly deteriorates eyesight and also has a negative effect on posture. The use of the computer is usually done while seated. People of all ages have a need for exercise. Screen time takes up valuable time that can be used differently. Even the best games or applications can’t replace being active and contacts with other people. Conversations, going for a walk together, eating a meal together are priceless for us. Nobody and nothing can replace it.
We cannot run away from the presence of electronics in everyday life. A TV, tablet or phone are tools, and it is up to us how we use them. Abusing them can have negative effects. However, let's not forget about spending time outdoors or with loved ones on a walk.
photo by NadineDoerle