by Aleks
Payment from a job is one of the essential aspects for people to consider but it is not the only reason people take a new job or continue the existing one. I personally believe that there are other important considerations while choosing a job. Without any doubt, salary is essential in order for people to survive and a great proportion of people rely on the money they get from their jobs. Most of the job-holders pay for their housing, utility bills, food, treatment, travel, education and so on from the money they get from their employers. It is evident that if employers stop paying the employees, there would be virtually no one left to work in a company. Teaching, sports, painting, politics and research are considered to be professions where passion is more important than money. However, if there is no money at all, I have doubt that anyone would pursue these careers. However, money is not the most important concern for someone to choose a job and there are other important considerations to start and continue a job. Passion and interest to the work, for instance, drive most of the people to work. For instance, many established artists, actors, writers and scientists who have already amassed a great fortune would have stopped working if the sole purpose of working would have been the money. From my personal experience, I can say that while choosing a job people most of the time consider a job they would enjoy rather than the money they would earn from it. Other important aspects, like the job security, career prospect, work environment, relationship with the colleagues and bosses are all important to choose a job. Personally, I would like to have a job that suits my educational background, let me learn, have a great working environment and then I would consider the money I will get for the job. To conclude, salary is an important aspect for picking a job but other factors in combination play more vital roles and have more significance than the money.
photo lukasbieri @pixabay