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Writer's pictureJustyna Kogut

Legal thieves?

by Kuba Smoleń, 6b

We all know about the thieves, right? If not, let me explain. Those are people who

chose to steal other peoples’ goods. And we ‘people of honor’ don't like that. Do you agree with me? If yes, keep reading if no, well then, it was nice of you to at least read those few sentences.

So back to the topic, legal thieves. Theft is illegal, you would say. But what if I told you that, your friends are the thieves. Still don't believe me? Look at this that way, when you spend time with your friends you lose the track of time. You think that you have only been talking for 5 minutes but the truth is you have been probably talking for at least an hour. Sounds familiar? I thought so.

Friends steal your time from you! B​ut hey, that’s one and only kind of theft we can allow to exist. So don't be mad at them, be mad at time because it runs fast. So next time you see your friend, tell him that amazing quote ‘​Friends are thieves of time’ and be glad that you could spend your stolen time together!

photo by unbunt @Flickr

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