by Michał
Tortilla (wrap) is a kind of cake, similar to pancake. It can be used like a bread, but it’s the best like a meal. This meal is for example tomato, chicken, and salad wrapped into a tortilla. Wrap may have different ingredients, but most popular are:
· tomato,
· Chinese cabbage,
· chicken,
· cheese,
· mayonnaise.
Personally I like this wrap the most, but I like to add ketchup.
Here is the recipe for this meal:
1. Prepare ingredients:
· tortilla - you can buy it but also you can make it
(here’s link to make tortilla:
· tomato and Chinese cabbage (washed)
· chicken (if you doesn’t have it can be different meat)
· mayonnaise
· cheese
2. Ready? Now put cheese on tortilla and heat for a minute in microwave.
3. Next, add chicken.
4. Cut tomato and Chinese cabbage and put on tortilla.
5. Then, smear with mayonnaise.
6. Time to wrap the tortilla.